Jumat, 24 Juli 2009

Jungle Legend

. Jumat, 24 Juli 2009

Your jungle home is under threat from extinction due to an unknown blight of disease and death that is spreading like a plague through the once beautiful paradise. The plants and trees are all starting to wither and die, followed by the animals themselves, who are turning mad and killing each other and anything else they meet. The jungle is dying. No one knows why this terrible disaster has struck, many of the tribes believe that the gods are angry at man for raping the jungle of its natural resources and has sent down a plague to punish him.

Whatever the reason, one thing is clear, unless something is done soon the jungle will die altogether within the next few months. You seek help of the Malu tribe, one of the eldest tribes to inhabit the jungles. It is said that they can trace their ancestors back over two thousand years. Speaking to the elder of the tribe (their Shaman) you learn an ancient tale passed down through his tribe for generations. The tale tells of an ancient race of people who lived in a great city within the jungle. They were believed to possess great magical powers and it is said that they were able to control the very elements of nature itself.

Password: Opus

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