Jumat, 31 Juli 2009

Collection OCX vol 7

. Jumat, 31 Juli 2009

MB HiTimer Control & Library
Everybody knows that the VB timer is not much accurate: about 10 milliseconds on Windows NT
and 50 milliseconds on Win9.x. In addition, the interval value is a Integer value so you can't choose an interval greater that just over 1 minute. If you need greater accuracy or longer intervals, the MB HiTimer is the right control. It has a accuracy of 1 ms and an Interval property specified as a Long value. This control includes the CountDown and the StopWatch methods to benchmarck your routines. The package includes both the control and a class module with the same features, so that you can use this better timer even if you don't have a form to place a control. You can gets notifications from the class through standard events or though a secondary interface.

MB Splitter Control
Place this control on a form to immediately achieve splitting capabilities. It works as a container control, and the controls you drop on it will be automatically resized when the end user moves the splitter bars. You can control the splitter bar's size, color, and position, and programmatically assign controls to its two panes. The SplitBegin and SplitComplete events inform you when the drag operation begins and ends, so your code can do any additional processing as required.

MB ListEx Control
This extended ListBox control adds many features that are missing in the standard VB control,
such as support for bitmaps, control on the height, forecolor, backcolor, and font of individual list items, a horizontal scrollbar, text indentation. The MBListEx control is great to display a list of custom or system colors.

MB FormEx Control
Add this control to a VB form and enjoy a number of great new features, including: the control over the size and position of the form when maximized, automatic resizing for fonts and controls (including controls that are added dynamically), transparent background, new items to system menu, the capability to be Always-on-top and to flash the caption to draw user's attention, and the FullScreen mode. The MBFormEx control exposes also a number of events that should have added to VB forms, such as ActivateApp and DeactivateApp, CompactingMemory, displayChanged, DragDropFiles, ItemSelect, Move, and SysItemClick (that fires when a system menu item has been clicked).

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